講者: 洞鈜法師(慈山寺住持)
時間:14:00-16:00 (14:00-14:30:佛教禪修介紹;14:30-16:00: 禪修體驗)
地點:慈山寺 普門

Inter-religious Dialogue on Spiritual Practices —- Buddhist Meditation

Keynote Speaker: Venerable Thong Hong (Abbot of Tsz Shan Monastery)
Date: 12 Aug 2017 (Saturday)
Time: 14:00-16:00(14:00-14:30:a brief introduction of Buddhist meditation;14:30-16:00:Meditation)
Venue: Tsz Shan Monastery

* Speaker will introduce Buddhist Meditation for about half an hour, followed by 1.5 hour meditation.